Monday, March 19, 2007

Lyssa zampa

A big bunch of insects greeted us as we stepped into the balcony of Nepenthes lodge overlooking the forest and the distant Peaks of Kinabalu. This moth here was the largest of them all, with wings spanning over 20cms.

These creatures are found in montane forests, at an altitude as high as 2600m. Although known to be a commoner at Mt. Kinabalu, this was the only one of its kind that I spotted.

Borneo hosts overs 4500 species of moths, most of which have been covered in an extensive work entitled "Moths of Borneo". Anatomical details of Lyssa zampa can me found here.


Sapna said...

would be more happy to see posts on those blue sea and scenic stuff.. insects swalap boring :P

Sanjaya Srivatsan said...

I second swapna's opinion.

Unknown said...

i will bug you guys with these bugs!